ripess lac 1On the 20 and 21st June the Special Meeting of the Board of Regional Coordination of the Intercontinental Network for the Promotion of Social Solidarity Economy of Latin America and the Caribbean -RIPESS LAC was held in the premises of the Latin American Confederation of Credit Unions, Panama city. The board members that participated representing Solidarity Economy Network of Chile; Network Mexico; Solidarity Economy Network of Peru; Colombia´s Cooperative platform; Platform for Solidarity Economy of Central America; Brazilian Forum of Solidarity Economy; Peru Fair Trade Organization´s platformand the Network of Solidarity Economy (REDESOL) of the Dominican Republic.

The special session´s aimed was: the strategic definition of regional and international actions in line with the fundamentals and rules established for the development of the promotion of Social Solidarity Economy in the Latin American continent and the Caribbean. Emphasis was placed on the analysis of internal context of the Network, to redefine roles of the Board of directors that will project through an updated plan of action to strengthen the SE on the Continent.

Finally, it was possible to identify priority actions to develop in the next 6 months that include active participation in the committees of the Intercontinental Network, and mainly in the Working Plan 2016-2017 which includes the following objectives:


  • Help create and consolidate the support base of the proposed SSE as a systemic alternative.
  • Influence and promote public policies with social movements that favor stronger proposals for socioeconomic and cultural transformation at national and regional level.
  • Communicate the actions generated by the actors of the Social Solidarity Economy of Latin America and the Caribbean through social networks.
  • Contribute to the construction of the idea of the Social Solidarity Economy and develop their skills as regards diffusion and socialization.
  • Strengthen management and operational capacity of Ripess Lac according to the needs of this implementation.

ripess lac 2We regret and condemn the heinous murder of Mr. Hernando Uribe Vélez, General Manager of the Latin American Confederation of Credit Unions COLAC, occurred on July 2nd, 2016 in Panama City, who gave us hospitality, logistical and personnel support for the development of our extraordinary session. Hernando Uribe Vélez RIP.