RIPESS LAC at the Regional Forum on Local Economic Development for Latin America and the Caribbean
The 4th Regional Forum on Local Economic Development for Latin America and the Caribbean is being held in Montevideo, Uruguay from 26 to 28 August . […]
ECOOVIDA 2024, le rencontre international des Économies pour la Vie sera à Cali, 22-26 octobre
Ecoovida, la rencontre des économies pour la vie, organisée par le gouvernement colombien et d’autres mouvements et entités tels que RIPESS LAC (qui fait partie […]
The Government of Colombia: present at FORA’ESS thanks to RIPESS
Within the framework of the FORA’ESS Social Solidarity Economy Forum that took place in Yaoundé (Cameroon) on May 29-31; María Susana Muhamad González, Minister of Environment and Sustainable […]
RIPESS LAC at the meeting of the CONTINENTAL ALLIANCE FOR FOOD SOVEREIGNTY and the Civil Society Consultation for the 38th FAO Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean
On the 26th and 27th of February, a representative of RIPESS LAC participated in Santiago de Chile in the “Assembly of the Alliance, the Nyeleni consultation and the […]
In view of the growing concern about the situation in the country, RIPESS echoes a statement that PECOSOL, a partner of RIPESS LAC, has written to denounce the […]
RIPESS LAC participates in the XVI International Solidarity Economy Encounter in Colombia
By: Lucero Adriana Blanco Zambrano, co-coordinator of RIPESS LAC 2023- 2025
With the slogan: “Associativity for the construction of territorial peace“, the XVI International […]
Ecosol workshop: SSE, an alternative development model for access to decent work and social protection.
Social protection is the coverage of a range of human rights such as health, education, care, housing or the possibility to prosper. According to the ILO, it is […]
Podcast (in spanish)_ Interview with Ernestina in Dakar: Afro-Peruvian leader and care worker.
She understands the language of humanity, of the heart, and with smiles, Spanish and speaking with her hands, she got […]
Webinar on decent work and SSE in the LAC region. Conclusions after Ripess LAC gathering
RIPESS LAC concluded its “Latin American meeting” on 25 November with a presentation by the coordinator, Karin Berlien, on 7 December at the Webinar on Decent Work and […]
The role of Social Solidarity Economy organisations in the Post COVID19 context
Covid 19 in Latin America and the Caribbean, as in the whole world, has generated a great social, economic and health impact, which has caused thousands of deaths and a […]
Experiences of political advocacy by the National Coordinating Committee of the Solidarity Economy of Uruguay with a gender perspective.
The Coordinating Committee has taken part in meetings, round tables, seminars, forums, meetings, contributing to the construction from different roles, which has allowed the construction of diagnoses and proposals, producing […]
Advocacy experience: Group Network of Solidarity Economy of Peru (GRESP) with a gender focus.
As we commemorate two hundred years of Peruvian independence in 2021, many social organisations have promoted proposals to consider the direction of other economies as a hope for bringing the […]
Advocacy experience of the Bolivian platform with a gender perspective.
In 2005, the first fair trade and solidarity economy coordination was created in Cochabamba in the framework of the International Fair of the city. From that moment on, various alternative […]
Trade of agro-ecological production through short circuits.
[pdf-embedder url=”ítica-en-ESS.pdf” title=”Folleto Insidencia política en ESS”]
Solidarity Fairs are one of the strategies that allow for the improvement of rural trade through short circuits:
- reassessing the importance of family farming in […]
El Limón, Jalisco, Mexico: Agroecological Municipality.
From the beginning of this process, elements of the Social Solidarity Economy have been involved, which have made this public policy possible. The declaration of El Limón as an agro-ecological […]
Advocacy for public policies on social solidarity economy in Latin America and the Caribbean.
The neoliberal period openly declared in the 1990s, flows in the face of a reality of globalisation that capitalises on the deterritorialization of productive processes. This has been made possible […]
Towards the strengthening of SSE ecosystems at all levels: Co-construction of public policies for the promotion of SSE, and advocacy strategies and tools from local to global.
On Tuesday 14th of December, RIPESS members and other SSE actors from around the world got together to exchange on advocacy strategies and collaboration with local, national and international policymakers […]
How SSE initiatives contribute to achieving the SDGs in the post-Covid context
RIPESS participated in the RIO+20 meeting in 2012 when the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) process was launched. From 2012 to 2015, we advocated for the inclusion […]