Over 75 participant (s) met at the World Social Economy Forum (GSEF 2016) in September 7th, 2016 to discuss the theme of man-woman equality (MWE) as essential for the development of the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE).
To carry out this activity, the working group “Women and social and solidarity economy (SSE)” was established in January 2016. Its organizing committee is composed of workers from national and international organizations, to municipal authorities and social economy enterprises whose chairwoman is the RIPESS member of the Committee for Women and ESS. They operate in the spheres of the social economy, collective entrepreneurship, municipal policy, urban development, international cooperation and human rights.
The objectives of this group were:
- Provide sustained analysis over the issues of man-woman equality (MWE) in the SSE;
- Ensure the transversal cross of these issues throughout the Forum;
- Mobilize the actors and actresses, influential politics and bodies, acting in favour of equality;
- Develop collectively recommendations to provide the GSEF the association.
In this context, the main issues identified by the Working Group were the following:
- Lack of transversal cross MWE approach and gender-specific data;
- Ensure the SSE sector boundaries, the full economic empowerment of women and their access to quality jobs;
- Under-representation, lack of access and control in decision-making both in the SSE sector and the dialogue process between the public sector and that of the SSE;
- A not always favourable environment for entrepreneurial development of women in SSE.
According to the three themes discussed over twenty recommendations were proposing concrete waysto ensure female-male equality in the SSE movement.
Short balance sheet and thanks (in French) (VIDEO):
A report by the Women and SSE Committee was reported to the Board of RIPESS and the work will continue in the next meeting.
Meeting in Hong Kong – 2016 SEWF Social Enterprise World Forum
Following the GSEF, there is a workshop on gender in the context of the Global Forum of social enterprises in Hong Kong who helped uncover the importance of gender equality in social enterprises. For the first time, the global forum of social enterprises creates a space to talk about social enterprises with gender perspective.
Meeting in La Paz
Finally, in Bolivia there was the International Seminar on Women in ESS monitoring of the Forum of the World Women’s Network organized by Gregorai Paza and the World Headquarters (Quartier du Monde).
- International Seminar in La Paz, 28-30 September 2016
World premiere: the overall programming of this international event is allocated to the social economy with gender perspective. A variety of research and rich experience discussions helped to lift the veil on the importance of this subject.
- Quartier du Monde Forum of Women in La Paz
Women from various countries co-build development of social economy tools to incorporating the gender perspective in all enterprises development stages.

Senegal, Bolivia and Morocco proudly wear the headscarf on gender equality at the international SSE with the gender perspective Seminar
The Women and ESS Committee will meet soon to share the results of all these meetings.
If you want to join, please send an email to laure.jongejans@ripess.org
And join the Facebook group “Women Social Solidarity Economy“(in French)