Feminism and Social Solidarity Economy: indisputably inseparable
Today, it is the alliance between capital and heteropatriarchy that creates the majority of oppressions suffered by women around the world. In this sense, reproductive work – carried […]
Advocacy experience: Group Network of Solidarity Economy of Peru (GRESP) with a gender focus.
As we commemorate two hundred years of Peruvian independence in 2021, many social organisations have promoted proposals to consider the direction of other economies as a hope for bringing the […]
Advocacy for public policies on social solidarity economy in Latin America and the Caribbean.
The neoliberal period openly declared in the 1990s, flows in the face of a reality of globalisation that capitalises on the deterritorialization of productive processes. This has been made possible […]
How SSE initiatives contribute to achieving the SDGs in the post-Covid context
RIPESS participated in the RIO+20 meeting in 2012 when the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) process was launched. From 2012 to 2015, we advocated for the inclusion […]
“Women are the face of other economies and I would have an endless list of names to give and share” Interview with Irene Jara
Irene Jara Cadogan is a Chilean activist from the southern region of the country. Irene has been accompanying training processes for 20 years, especially in local and organizational development in […]
“Like many people, I chose to be part of the solution and to participate in networks to make a difference” Interview with Ethel Côte
Expert in social and solidarity economy with a gender perspective, member of the Canadian Network for Community Economic Development, administrator on the first board of directors of RIPESS, referent of […]
Women of the world, protagonists of the SSE – editorial of Judith Hitchman, RIPESS Co-coordinator
International Women’s Day is a relatively recent creation: it only dates back to 1975. The struggle for women’s rights, however is far older. And has been a long and arduous […]
“Women are the source of all development” Interview with Jeanne d’Arc Ballo
Jeanne d’Arc Ballo is a Malian entrepreneur who lives in Bamako. She is the operational coordinator of the network projects “Women of the World: a network for the social, political […]
“The SSE with a gender perspective is an alternative for change for our community, because it is centered on the defense of life” Interview with Graciela Quintero
Interview with Graciela Quintero Medina, a Colombian activist, member of the Mesa Hunzaua, a collective that brings together some 20 local associations in Bogota.
How was your vocation to help others […]
Interview with Josephine Olive Parilla, a leder-preneur for SSE
Josephine Olive Parilla, herself a micro-entrepreneur, is one of the founders of PATAMABA WISE, a community-based social enterprise found in the lake town of Angono, Rizal, east of Metro Manila. […]
“We have to be careful not to go backwards, to remember that we are still here” Interview with Isa Alvarez
Isa Alvarez is an agro-ecologist and researcher living in Vitoria (Spain). She originally comes from the academic world, but has been active for 15 years in different activist organizations working […]
“Women’s cooperatives are a privileged place of expression and empowerment” Interview with Sabine Martel
Interview with Sabine Martel, gender equality consultant for SSE associations and companies in PACA region (France), member of Osez le Féminisme 84 and expert on women’s cooperatives.
Hello Sabine, how was your […]
A guide to SSE entrepreneurship from a gender perspective
Quartiers du Monde (QDM) publishes the guide “Accompanying social and solidarity entrepreneurship with a gender perspective”. The purpose of this document is to provide tools for alternative entrepreneurship for women’s […]
SSE with gender perspective
On this International Women’s Day on March 8, the RIPESS “Women and SSE” Working Group, in collaboration with Quartiers du Monde, publishes this article on how the gender perspective can […]
Launching of the confluence process towards the Barcelona 2020 WSF of Transformative Economies
The first world meeting to prepare the confluence will take place in Barcelona on 5, 6 and 7 April 2019
Written by Laie Vidiella Hernàndez. Communications WSFTE.
SSE for better social protection. Feedback to the 5th RIPESS webinar on Women & SSE
For the 5th session of our Women & SSE seminar cycle, we wanted to address the issue of social protection, particularly with regard to the status of women and the […]