Tools for advocacy from RIPESS networks


Involving civil society in the co-construction of public policies provides a major opportunity for democratising the economy, and public policies, and contributes to generating greater sustainable social value. Over time, many governments and local authorities have come to realise that this participatory approach is a key element in building effective policies that stand a much greater chance of success.

Much advocacy work by SSE actors is still necessary to achieve this result, even more so in the current Covid-19 context and will remain so if we want to ensure a real global impact.


Therefore RIPESS launched a call to identify existing advocacy tools used by RIPESS’ members. The goal is to ensure that all our members have access to and can share a library of good examples and practices that may be useful to all SSE actors and networks.


Furthermore, RIPESS and Socioeco plan to contribute to deepening the understanding of the process of co-constructing public policies, to ensure SSE networks benefit from existing experiences and contribute to the promotion of their disseminationSee our specific resources pages on the co-construction of public policies: resources page + thematic page


Many inputs and tools are useful for advocacy. They range from documenting the impact and practices of SSE to very specific tools.

Public Policies to support SSE can also be relevant and/or specific to many sectors and themes, as SSE is cross-cutting and multi-sectorial


Below we have listed a first selection that we have gathered from our RIPESS networks. We hope to enrich it progressively with more tools.


Advocacy guides and toolkits:

Urgenci – Advocacy for Community Supported Agriculture: A Guide for Advocates (EN/FR/SP)

Réseau des collectivités Territoriales pour une Économie Solidaire – kits for localdepartamental and regional policy makers to support SSE (FR)

The Canadian CED Network – The art of advocacy: a handbook for non-profit organizations and charities (EN)

Pathways to a People’s Economy – Toolkit (EN)


Good practices and other guides:

Red de Redes de Economía Alternativa y Solidaria – Guide of SSE initatives against Covid (SP)

ASSEFA – Strategy to advocacy towards local governments (EN)

RIPESS COVID Initiatives


URGENCI: A collection of resilient examples in times of Covid-19:


Mappings of SSE

Socioeco has created a series of mappings showing SSE 



If you want your tools to be listed and displayed on this website, or could contribute to the promotion of SSE and the co-construction of public policies via exchanging experiences and good practices, please contact us at: