Collective Declaration of the working group on Social, Solidarity and Environmental Economy ; all the Rights and Obligations of Man (SSEE-ROM)/WHRF – Marrakesh 2014



The Social Solidarity Economy Delegation at the World Forum for Human Rights, Morocco, November 2014



Morocco, World Forum on Human Rights, November 29th, 2014.

Read the Declaration in pdf.

Invited by the organizers of the World Human Rights Forum in Marrakesh (Morocco) from November 27th to November 30th 2014, representatives of Social and Solidarity Economy from all continents gathered together to set this declaration up ;

Considering the International Agreement on economic, social and cultural rights adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on December 1966 and the crucial role that these rights play in favor of other fundamental Human Rights to which they belong ;

Considering that the permanent aspect of poverty and the weakness of democracy in the world in general and more particularly in Africa ; and that the unequal wealth distribution are obstacles to the deficient Human Rights progress ;

Considering all the discriminations towards vulnerable populations especially populations from an migration background ;

We, the undersigned representatives of the different regional, national and international organizations and the committed groups in this field, gathered to define the place of the SSE in the international order of development and the paths of progress to a more rightful world :

Let us state loud and clear our support and compassion to the populations that experience dramas and humanitarian disasters throughout the world and more particularly the victims of the recent floods in Southern Morocco and to the African populations exposed to Ebola’s haemorrhagic fever ;

We declare our willingness to give the SSE the place it must take in the different development policies to remove the economic injustice, the inequalities between citizens as part of the alternative approach for development ;

We consider vital to reiforce the place of women in society and to give to all citizens equal chances to have access to education and health with the aim of reaching development ;

We consider that the promotion of alternative approaches for a fair development must be done in the respect of Human Rights through the principals of dialogue and participative democracy, which will enable everyone to make their contributions ;

We recommend to the public authorities to pay a specific attention to the proceedings of the participative practices requested from the civil society ;

We wish that the United Nations Millenium Development Goals post 2015 open new commitments to garantee a more fair distribution of wealth and allowing new opportunities of balanced development to raise by keeping in mind the reality of the least developed territories ;

We consider the humanization and socialization of social insurrance and financial investments indispensable so that the human person and their environment be in the core of the development goals ;

Let us recall that civil society must inscribe, in a joint and responsable way, its contribution to public-private partnerships while paying a special attention to the social and economic regulation in favor of marginalized populations ;

We consider that the United Nations must rethink their support programs in favor of civil society organizations and networks to enable them to enjoy an international visibility concerning to the transnational questions and an operational status accepted by all, capable of making the regional organizations visible :

In this respect, we claim to have the means to implement the action plan adopted in 2012 in New York during the closing ceremony of the international year of cooperatives ;

We recognize the strong links between Human Rights and the SSE values, it is recommended that the expected African economic growth to be shared equitably and fairly for the benefit of an inclusive and sustainable development.

We ask the states to join the Social and Solidarity Economy International Pilot Group alongside with the United Nations’ General Assembly on September 22nd intended to support the Public Authorities in favor of SSE.

The representatives of SSE coming from all continents, International Social and Solidarity Associative Group present at the World Human Rights Forum.

Marrakesh, November 29th, 2014.